By the time you reach the end of this page, a story will be forming inside of you. A remembering, an undeniable imprint of knowing.
Not in your mind--but within every cell--this story will reveal itself to you. If the imprint can't be felt immediately, it will come to you in coming days. Remain open and curious.

There is an old story from India about the God, Brahma, who was all alone. Nothing existed but Brahma, and he was completely bored. Brahma decided to play a game, but there was no one to play the game with. So he created a beautiful goddess, Maya, just for the purpose of having fun. Once Maya existed and Brahma told her  the purpose of her existence, she said, "Okay, let's play the most wonderful game, but you have to do what I tell you to do." Brahma agreed, and following Maya's instructions, he created the whole universe. Brahma created the sun and the stars, the moon and the planets. Then he created life on earth: the animals, the oceans, the atmosphere, everything. Maya said, "How beautiful is this world of illusion you created. Now I want you to create a kind of animal that is so intelligent and aware that it can appreciate your creation." Finally Brahma created humans, and after he finished the creation, he asked Maya when the game was going to start. "We will start right now," she said. She took Brahma and cut him into thousands of teeny, tiny pieces. She put a piece inside every human and said, "Now the game begins! I am going to make you forget what you are, and you are going to try to find yourself!" Maya created the Dream, and still, even today, Brahma is trying to remember who he is. Brahma is there inside you, and Maya is stopping you from remembering what you are.

Life is like a ride in an amusement park. And when you choose to go on it you think it's real because that's how powerful our minds are. And the ride goes up and down and round and round. It has thrills and chills and it's very brightly colored and it's very loud and it's fun, for a while. Some people have been on the ride for a long time and they begin to question: "Is this real, or is this just a ride?" And other people have remembered, and they come back to us, they say: "Hey, don't worry, don't be afraid, ever, because this is just a ride." ... and we kill those people. "Shut him up. We have a lot invested in this ride. Shut him up. Look at my furrows of worry. Look at my big bank account and my family. This just has to be real." It's just a ride. But we always kill those good guys who try and tell us that, you ever notice that? And let the demons run amok. But it doesn't matter, because it's just a ride. And we can change it anytime we want. It's only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings and money. A choice, right now, between fear and love.

There is the central self, you can call it God, you can call it anything you like, and it's all of us. It's playing all the parts of all being whatsoever everywhere and anywhere. And it's playing the game of hide and seek with itself. It gets lost, it gets involved in the farthest-out adventures, but in the end it always wakes up and comes back to itself. And when you're ready to wake up, you're going to wake up.

"Huh. Everything's made of ...ME." Jake wakes up in a world made entirely of himself: the city, the grass, the animals, the people. It's all Jake. But he can't remember how he got there. Jake tries to get out of this dreamworld-made-of-himself but is met with resistance from other characters, who refuse to believe that there could be another world outside of this one.

We are spirit Bound to this flesh We go around One foot nailed down But bound to Reach out beyond This flesh Become pneuma We are Will and wonder Bound to Recall, remember (We are born of) one breath One word (We are all) one spark, sun becoming Child Wake up Child Release the light Wake up now Child Wake up Child Release the light Wake up now, child Spirit Spirit Spirit Spirit Bound to This flesh This guise This mask This dream Wake up remember (We are) born of one breath One word (We are all) one spark Sun becoming Pneuma Reach out, beyond Wake up, remember (We are born of) one breath One word (We are all) one spark Eyes full of wonder

You dun goofed, God. You convinced yourself you're a human again. You're trapped in a gravity well. You forgot it was a dream, and now you're taking everything seriously. That's you, God, in the great S&M dungeon we call planet Earth, enjoying the experience of not having to control everything for once. We're all God getting the sh*t kicked out of us by a talented dominatrix we call Mother Earth. You've got a terrible case of universal amnesia. You're going to wake up to your true identity eventually, but you don't have to do it until you're ready.

Life is a waterfall We're one in the river and one again after the fall Swimming through the void, we hear the word We lose ourselves, but we find it all 'Cause we are the ones that wanna play Always wanna go, but you never wanna stay And we are the ones that wanna choose Always wanna play, but you never wanna lose Aerials in the sky When you lose small mind, you free your life Life is a waterfall We drink from the river, then we turn around and put up our walls Swimming through the void, we hear the word We lose ourselves, but we find it all 'Cause we are the ones that wanna play Always wanna go, but you never wanna stay And we are the ones that wanna choose Always wanna play, but you never wanna lose, oh Aerials in the sky When you lose small mind, you free your life Aerials, so up high When you free your eyes, eternal prize Aerials in the sky When you lose small mind, you free your life Aerials, so up high When you free your eyes, eternal prize

You as an entity have gone through thousands of births and deaths. Here you are now in the middle of one of these rounds. The quality of this round is that it seems really real. You really think you're here. You really think this body is who you are, this personality is who you are. Imagine a clock. 12:00: A being is totally in harmony with everything around it. No differentiation. No separation. Perfectl flow. We can call it The Garden of Eden. There is nothing separate. All of the parts are not identified with their separateness, but with The One. 12:01: Something happens. You are separate. It has to do with the apple, the development of duality, of subject/object. It's the moment of separation. ------------ This is perhaps my favorite Ram Dass lecture, as he gives a succinct and clear description of the soul evolution, using the metaphorical image of a clock. This lecture inspired one of my first paintings, which I've titled "6:01", and helped provide much context to my satori experience in 2015. Put this on and treat it with reverence. Lay back, eyes closed, no distractions. See what comes up.